Thursday, January 25, 2018

Metaphor Poems In-Class Exercise results. That was fun

Tuscararus, Ohio, 2017: The Sound Of Your Voice Is Like. . .

A shattering vase once an family heirloom
screaming for it's first meal a baby raccoon

The sound of my Peace, my serenity
A six year old in the talent show who thinks she can sing.

A Walts in the field
Gravel on my feet

The harsh quill of a cactus
A bee sting

by Paul and Sierra

Sparta, Ohio 1919: The Sound Of Your Voice Is Like

The champagne cork popping free,
Sweet melody of birds at the crack of dawn,
Cold flip-side of the pillow.

The first wave of thunder
                                           in a storm
ripping pages from a textbook.
Grabbing a handful of screws.

by Nikki and Briana

Calexico, California 2006: The Sound Of Your Voice Is Like

The sound of your voice is like
the deep rumble of thunder before the rain.
The current that careens through the shallows.

A cry too indistinct to trace.
The cackling of a bandit's fireplace.
The whisper of the spring wind.
The blare of a trumpet on Judgement Day.

by James and Tricia

Chattanooga, Tennessee 140 B.C.: The Sound Of Your Voice Is Like

The sound of your voice is like
Rain falling on a metal roof
     as crackling thunder dances through the sky.
The plow hitting the earth ready to plant new life.

A basketball going perfectly through the net.
The popping of popcorn at a circus.
A piece of music written by Francis Chopin.

by Zach and Hayley

Bangor, Washington 1967: The Touch Of Your Hand Feels Like. . .

Breaking of flesh and bone.
My mother bringing bread

up the stairs to my room.
The closing of an old wound.

An apoplectic kiss, brother!
The healing waters of a lost well.

Waking up to breakfast.

by Ash and Mike

Nashville, Tennesee 1979: The Sound Of Your Voice Is Like

a rooster waking you up at doawn,
the shrilling scream from a newborn fawn.

morning wind against my cheeks.
a gentle kiss of an ocean breeze.

booming bass of never ending concerts.
the harmonizinng voices of a children's choir.

a soothing serenity.

by Bobbi and Kass

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